Empower to scale faster. Stuvia is a digital marketplace enabling students to buy and sell online study materials. Our objective was to transfer growth processes and structure to empower Stuvia to continue autonomously as soon as possible. In 7 months, we implemented Amplitude to gain faster analytic insights, set up a cross-functional team, introduced growth frameworks and trained a newly hired growth marketer to take over our work.
Documents uploaded
Implemented tracking events
Accomplished OKR's
6 Months
Laurens Janssen, Floor Kreijkes
We set up a cross-functional team from scratch and taught them our proven growth methods. We modelled Stuvia’s growth to shape strategy and introduced OKRs for focus. We trained the team to gather insights from both hard and soft data and established processes for rapid experimentation.
To empower Stuvia’s team to gain fast insights on customer behaviour, we helped find and implement a suitable data analytics solution (Amplitude). We created a tracking plan to structure all the events, set up the first dashboards and trained the team.
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OTR helped us build a Growth team from scratch by building on almost 8 years of doing business. From half-assing two experiments a year, we are now able to run experiments continuously and always be able to make data-driven decisions to grow our business. That's the way to skyrocket your company.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Eget aenean lorem odio morbi vitae. Ultricies tempus, imperdiet phasellus porta. Imperdiet et aliquet senectus vel. Amet ornare.
We partner with ambitious brands, big and small. Our core expertise lies around marketplaces, mobile apps, eCommerce and SaaS.
We speak fluent data, but we're also very keen to have a chat about your MVP, go-to-market (GTM) strategy or scale ambitions.
Get in touchWe do more than we can list in this small box, but our core services are a blend between product, marketing and data.
Our services